Tag Archive for: UCLA College

Why are some wild animals more tolerant to human interaction than others?
Over time, some species become more tolerant of humans’ presence,…

Anthropology alumna’s gift makes research travel a reality for the department’s graduate students
A UCLA alumna who has spent much of her life galloping around…

Q&A with Ryan Harrigan on West Nile virus, silent killer of songbirds
Remember West Nile virus? While it makes headlines every few…

Creative writing at UCLA: not just for English majors anymore
Starting in Fall 2016, non-English majors will for the first…

UCLA faculty voice: Nine environmental myths everyone needs to unlearn
School is back in session, and many college students around the…

Exploring Your Universe – free science festival for all ages – is Nov. 8 at UCLA
Launch a rocket, take a peek at planets outside our solar system,…

UCLA faculty voice: California universities launch experiment to go carbon-neutral ‘at scale’
What does it look like when a university decides to walk the…

A ‘black’-sounding name makes people imagine a larger, more dangerous person, UCLA study shows
In a study exploring racial bias and how people use their mind’s-eye…

Q&A with UCLA history professor Joan Waugh on baseball in America’s Gilded Age
UCLA history professor Joan Waugh is one of the country’s pre-eminent…

UCLA puts issue of food waste on the front burner on Food Day 2015
A former White House chef, the host of a popular food-focused…