Tag Archive for: students

A spirited welcome and invitation for thousands at Bruin Day 2017

UCLA pulled out all the stops for the nearly 17,000 potential…

UCLA launches master of social science program

  Applications are now open for a new Master of Social…

Anthropologist brings European refugee crisis to the classroom

Students in two global studies classes at UCLA this quarter will…

Using science to fight for environmental justice

Ward wanted to be a lawyer, but his plans changed during a class…

Feeding the hungry while cutting food waste

Rachel Sumekh, 24, co-founded Swipe Out Hunger when she was a…

Literature and film help teach students to understand the brain

What can Shakespeare, Cervantes, Proust, and even contemporary…

UCLA graduates are told ‘the world needs you’

With whoops, hoots, foot-stomping and a reckless disregard for…

After kicking addiction, graduating UCLA student reboots life

This week, Hale, 53, will graduate with a degree in sociology…

Foxes on one of California’s Channel Islands have least genetic variation of all wild animals

UCLA biologists report in a new study that a species of foxes…

UCLA IoES fundraiser honors champions of the environment

At its recent annual gala, UCLA Institute of the Environment…