Tag Archive for: English

Ada Lovelace wearing a Victorian-era outfit against a grey textured background.

Q&A Spotlight: Jessica Cook

How this UCLA doctoral candidate in English used big data tools…
Michael Rothberg in a blue checkered dress shirt, with a walkway lined with stone columns in the background.
Clockwise from left to right: UCLA College marshals Yogita Goyal, Stuart Brown, and Jose Rodriguez.

College marshals honored at UCLA College commencement

UCLA College marshals Yogita Goyal, Stuart Brown and Jose Rodriguez. UCLA…

A movement of her own

Graduating senior Ava Boehm designed her own major to further…

A Victorian-era computer pioneer gets to speak for herself

Ada Lovelace published the first description of a computer program;…
Arushi AvachatHaven Hunt

Making a difference through the power of storytelling

UCLA undergraduate student Arushi Avachat on writing and publishing…
Image of Yogita GoyalCourtesy of Yogita Goyal

Yogita Goyal’s book about slavery honored with awards

Editor's note: UCLA Humanities interviewed Professor Goyal…
Image of UCLA doctoral student Thomas Ray GarciaCourtesy of UCLA doctoral student Thomas Ray Garcia

The transformative power of travel

On and off the page, UCLA doctoral student Thomas Ray Garcia…

Where Are They Now: Andrea Murray

Andrea Murray discovered a passion for social justice through…

Uri McMillan honored for his book on black feminist art and performance

The Modern Language Association of America recently announced…