UCLA Chancellor-designate Dr. Julio Frenk seated in front of Royce Hall with partial blue tinted treatment
A Adenike Oladosu, Nina Gualinga, Callie Veelenturf against a blue sky with clouds
A colorful graphic illustration featuring the text ‘Simpli Birds’ in a stylized font on a white banner. The background is a textured gray with grid lines, suggesting graph paper. Surrounding the central banner are various elements related to birds: a circular diagram with segments labeled ‘BREEDING,’ ‘SUMMER,’ ‘WINTER,’ and ‘OVERWINTERING’ in capital letters, indicating seasons in a bird’s life cycle. There are also illustrations of butterflies, flowers, and leaves scattered around the image, adding to the theme of nature and wildlife.
UCLA ASL instructors Benjamin Lewis and Jennifer Marfino and interpreter Mariam Janvelyan
Close-up of blue and black bird
Chestnut-sided warbler carrying nesting material