Graphic depicting an image of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Rev. James Lawson and UCLA studentsGraphic by Tina Ly/UCLA. Photos by UCLA and UCLA Labor Center

UCLA nonviolence class connects students to Martin Luther King Jr.’s enduring legacy

The class taught by Rev. James Lawson Jr. has motivated students…
Image of Professor Zrinka StahuljakPhoto credit: Janja Ružić

Reimagining the scope and approach of the UCLA Center for Early Global Studies

Zrinka Stahuljak embraces the role of ‘fixer’ as she…
A meeting between citizens and members of the municipal police in Medellín, Colombia.

In developing countries, no quick fix for strengthening police–civilian relations

Study co-led by UCLA’s Graeme Blair finds community policing…
Image of smoke from a 2019 Northern California wildfire, seen by astronauts aboard the International Space Station.Photo credit: NASA

Increasingly frequent wildfires linked to human-caused climate change, UCLA-led study finds

By Stuart Wolpert Research by scientists from UCLA and…
Image of Pamela Yeh and Van SavageReed Hutchinson/UCLA (2)

Pamela Yeh, Van Savage contribute to book about lessons from the pandemic

By Sean Brenner UCLA professors Pamela Yeh and Van Savage…
Image of UCLA's Kara Cooney alongside the cover of her book, ‘The Good Kings’Photo credit: Mikel Healey (Cooney)/National Geographic

Renowned Egyptologist says it’s time to stop romanticizing ancient Egypt

By Alison Hewitt In ‘The Good Kings,’ UCLA’s Kara…
Image of Michael HillPhoto credit: UCLA

Mathematician Michael Hill honored for helping solve 50-year old geometry problem

By Max Gordy Michael Hill, professor of mathematics in…
Image of Rev. James Lawson speaking to interns in the Dream Summer program, a fellowship opportunity for student immigrants and their allies.UCLA Labor Center

A perfect tribute: UCLA names labor center building in honor of Rev. James Lawson Jr.

By Madeline Adamo Civil and labor rights icon and 20-year…

Dean Tracy Johnson honored for dedication to diversity in science

Tracy Johnson, dean of the UCLA Division of Life Sciences,…