Michael Rothberg in a blue checkered dress shirt, with a walkway lined with stone columns in the background.
Prineha Narang in a white coat writing equations on a transparent board.

Running down a dream

2023 Guggenheim Fellow Prineha Narang goes the distance in and…
Los Angeles Times opinion page digital edition
Black-and-white photo of President John F. Kennedy signing the Equal Pay Act
Photo Collage of 10 UCLA College 2023 Graduates
Clockwise from left to right: UCLA College marshals Yogita Goyal, Stuart Brown, and Jose Rodriguez.

College marshals honored at UCLA College commencement

UCLA College marshals Yogita Goyal, Stuart Brown and Jose Rodriguez. UCLA…
JD1 galaxy
Jolie Chea and Qutami Loubna
Leah Likin poses in front of a section of the art component of her honors capstone project