Image of Hatshepsut Collosal Granite SphinxKeith Schengili-Roberts/Wikimedia Commons

Collaboration with Howard University creates ‘Pathway to a Ph.D.’ for Black students of Egyptology

By Anushka Chakrabarti | February 25, 2022 To increase…
Image of people in the evacuation train at the railway station in KyivPhoto by Fotoreserg

UCLA audience hears insights about war from Ukrainian professor as rockets fall

The president of the Kyiv School of Economics joins discussion…
UCLA Geography Aerial ArchivesUCLA Geography Aerial Archives

A bird’s-eye view of history

Iconic aerial photo archives from the UCLA Department of Geography…

UCLA, Howard University launch summer program on race, ethnicity and politics

The new UC-funded Mark Q. Sawyer Summer Institute will support…
Image credit: Rythum Vinoben

A legacy of confronting injustice

UCLA Professor Terence Keel’s groundbreaking interdisciplinary…
An image of the Madrigal family from the Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Encanto”Courtesy of The Walt Disney Studios

UCLA botanist Felipe Zapata brings Colombia’s biodiversity to Academy Award winner ‘Encanto’

Felipe Zapata taps into his life’s work, as well as…
Brookhaven National Laboratory/DOE

UCLA, partners win Department of Energy grant to boost diversity in field of nuclear physics

By Stuart Wolpert The UCLA Department of Physics and…
Image of Yogita GoyalCourtesy of Yogita Goyal

Yogita Goyal’s book about slavery honored with awards

Editor's note: UCLA Humanities interviewed Professor Goyal…
Collage image of the UCLA College’s 2022 Sloan Fellows. Top row from left: Seulgi Moon, David Baqaee, and Mikhail Solon. Bottom row from left: Chong Liu, Natalie Bau, and Guido Montúfar.Image credit: UCLA

Six UCLA College faculty among 2022 Sloan Research Fellows

Editor’s note: Congratulations to all of the UCLA scholars…