Image of Gymnast Katelyn Ohashi on the balance beam.Image credit: Emily Howell-Forbes

Gymnast, activist Katelyn Ohashi to deliver UCLA College commencement address

The UCLA alumna will speak at all three ceremonies June 10…
Image of Richard and Linda TurcoCourtesy of the Turcos

UCLA Institute of the Environment and Sustainability receives $1.5 million pledge from founding director

The gift from Richard and Linda Turco will support students…
Image of Judith Baca, UCLA professor emeritus of Chicana and Chicano and Central American studies and of world arts and cultures, at the unveiling of her mural “La Memoria de la Tierra: UCLA.” Image credit: Don Liebig/ASUCLAImage credit: Don Liebig/ASUCLA

New mural captures campus history and UCLA’s future

Renowned artist and professor Judith Baca created the nearly…
Image of electrons in a Van Allen radiation belt (blue) encountering whistler waves (purple) and being sent raining toward the north pole (red). THEMIS satellites are seen near the radiation belt, while UCLA’s ELFIN hovers above Earth.Image source: Zhang, et al., Nature Communications, 2022

UCLA researchers discover source of super-fast ‘electron rain’

The downpours, which can affect satellites and space travel,…
Image of Angela Deaver Campbell with three 2019 graduates who benefited from the Scholarship Resource Center’s support, Wesley Armstrong, Sereena Nand and Austin Lee.Image credit: Alyssa Bierce/UCLA College

25 years of helping UCLA students graduate with less debt

Scholarship Resource Center celebrates a quarter-century…
Image credit: UCLA

UCLA poised to become a world leader in hip-hop studies

Building on decades of scholarship, the campus’s new Hip…
Image of two marmotsImage credit: Daniel Blumstein/UCLA

The secret to longevity? Ask a yellow-bellied marmot

UCLA-led study shows that aging slows to a crawl when the…
Image of actor Vin Diesel with director Justin Lin on the set of “F9: The Fast Saga.”Courtesy of Universal Studios

People of color helped keep movie business afloat during pandemic

UCLA Hollywood Diversity Report emphasizes importance…

Department of African American Studies launches ‘Celebrate Us’ speaker series with talk by Kyle T. Mays

At the close of Black History Month, the UCLA Department of African…