Erick Zerecero, dressed in black, standing in front of Superchief sign
A collage of seven new humanities faculty members. Top row, left to right: Nina Duthie, Dieter Gunkel and Allison Kanner-Botan. Bottom row: Jonah Katz, Nancy Alicia Martínez, Roberta Morosini and Vetri Nathan.
Composite image of doctoral student Joey Di Liberto and dark-eyed juncos and campus buildings.
An illustration of an index card with the words: "Birdbow by Rebecca Von Damm."
a green record label with Adam Bradley and birds
Baseball card inspired illustrations of Paloma Doreza Dimaya and Isaac Aguilar.
An illustration of a golden-collared manikin with the world "A UCLA College Original: Feathers & Flirtations."
Students from UCLA's Bruin Birding Club outside.