Chancellor Block speaking at UCLA’s International Education Week in 2002
A photograph of the sun peaking through a residential setting.
Kamala Harris speaking with attendees at the 2019 National Forum on Wages and Working People hosted by the Center for the American Progress Action Fund and the SEIU at the Enclave in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Four people stand below screen with 2023 UCLA National McNair Conference
Four people hold up big check made out to L.A. Goal
Two people is bear costumes wearing light blue UCLA basketball jerseys and yellow sunglasses driving a blue convertible through a revolving landscape that includes, among other things, costal and mountain views.
Bruin tour guides Marcus Aurelius, Sierra Benayon-Abraham and Sanketh Santhosh smiling — but not touching! — at the famed Inverted Fountain
UCLA Chancellor Gene Block in a yellow tie.
A black and white photograph of two people looking up while one holds binoculars. On the right-hand side the words "INTO AFRICA: UCLA's bold Congo Basin Institute could help save the planet."