DIVISION OF UNDERGRADUATE EDUCATION –  Adriana Galván, Dean and Vice Provost * Charles Alexander, Associate Vice Provost, Student Diversity * Lauren Na, Associate Dean, Finance and Administration * vacant, Executive Assistant (x58510) * Sue Nam, Unit 18 Lecturer Analyst
Dept/IDP/Other Location Chair/Admin Head Phone MSO/Manager Phone Personnel Contact Phone
Division of Undergraduate Education 2340 Murphy Hall, 721101  Lauren Na 65410 Rod Devriendt 65822 Christi Yulius 57848
Honors A311 Murphy Hall, 141401 Jennifer Lindholm 51752 Mark Santos 53786 Christi Yulius 57848
Undergraduate Education Initiatives A265 Murphy Hall, 157101 Leigh Harris 61338 Charlotte Vo 45040 Christi Yulius 57848
Center for Community Engagement A265 Murphy Hall Shalom Staub 51115 Christina-Marie Santillan 65446 Christi Yulius 57848