College of Letters & Science: 2024-2025 Submission Deadlines Academic Personnel Actions

*Note: Visit Box for Items to Consider

Dean’s Office Due Date Senate (Regular, In-Residence, Professor of Teaching) and Adjunct Series



  • Merit to Professor VI/Professor of Teaching VI
  • Merit to Professor Above Scale/Professor of Teaching Above Scale


  • Merit Equity Review + Merit Advancement (on-time)


  •  8-year Limit Review (Assistant/Assistant Professor of Teaching)
  • Promotion to Associate/Associate Professor of Teaching
  • Promotion to Full Professor/Professor of Teaching


  • Appraisal of Assistant/Assistant Professor of Teaching
  • Two-Year Renewal of Appointment for Assistant/Assistant Professor of Teaching2
  • Accelerated Merit (skipping a Step)
  • Merit to Professor Further Above Scale/Professor of Teaching Further Above Scale



  • Dean’s final Merits, all others (on-time, accelerated, deferred)
  • Merits with off-scale salaries subject to VCAAP    approval (i.e. Department Chair’s Merit3)
  • Salary Off-Scale Salary Adjustment (no change in rank or step)
  • Merit to Associate IV and V/Associate Professor of Teaching IV and V4



  •    Five-Year Review

Professor-in-Residence, Adjunct

  • Renewal of Appointment

1 Full Professor/Professor of Teaching – Cases where two (2) consecutive, two-year accelerations have been sought; the Vice-Chancellor has final approval authority.

2 Two-Year Renewal of Appointment for Adjunct series – Review and submission of dossier is not required, provided there has not been a previous separation or change in rank or step.

3 Chair’s Merit – Contact your Divisional AP Analyst so the Dean can assign a proxy chair (does not default to the Vice Chair for Academic Personnel).

4 Justification for the proposed merit to Associate/Professor of Teaching Step IV or V is required.

5 Academic Administrator, Academic Coordinator, Project Scientist, and Specialist

  • When there has been an increase in job duties/responsibilities, an updated Job Description must be submitted with the dossier.
  • As the duties of an Academic Administrator are more in administration, departments must internally track and make sure that the teaching component does not exceed 40% time for any given academic year.
  • Academic Coordinators, Project Scientists, and Specialists are required to hold a dual title when teaching.

Campus ICL Threshold

  • Departments must be mindful of the Indexed Compensation Level (ICL) threshold effective July 1, 2024 (Ladder AY = $414,300; Ladder AY Economics = $454,500). If candidate has a pending personnel action (merit/promotion) and the new total annual salary (base salary, plus NSTP and/or administrative ninths/stipends) will exceed the ICL threshold for 2025-26AY requiring UCOP approval, contact Divisional AP Analyst for the paperwork.

Tips to avoid delaying the dossier review process:

  • Annual Certification for 2023/24AY is available to faculty via UC OATS
    • Faculty must report Category 1 & 2 activities or certify no activities if they have nothing to report.
  • Department Coordinators must initiate an action in OPUS once candidate confirms proceeding with the action.
  • Candidate must submit their materials on time, especially if the action requires solicitation of letters.
  • Solicit external evaluation letters early enough:
    • to determine if additional evaluators need to be solicited for a balance of candidate vs chair’s letters received.
    • so that departmental committees have them available for timely review.
    • to review all letters received. If letters include identifiers, be sure to contact the letter writer(s) to inquire if they would like to revise the letter or keep as is. 
  • Additional and updated materials can be added to the dossier at any time during the review process (either at the department, Dean’s Office, AAPO or CAP step). Delaying the review process because they are waiting for additional manuscripts, grant or other is unacceptable.
  • Chair cannot concurrently serve as a member of the ad hoc committee and chair of the department for an academic personnel action.
  • Department Coordinators are encouraged to remind the ad hoc and elected committees to conclude with their review by the scheduled deadline for the case to be submitted on time. Additionally, Department Coordinators should follow-up immediately after the deadline to check on the status of the committee report.
  • Additional faculty meetings may be required for timely submission of the dossier.
  • Department Coordinators must review the Ad Hoc Committee Report and Department Assessment letter for accuracy prior to directing to the candidate. Information contained in the report/letter must also be reflected in the dossier. Institutional knowledge, such as a recent award not contained within the dossier, must be addressed (i.e. removing it from the report/letter or updating the CV or other).

Recruitment of Candidates from Another UC Campus (Regular Series)

Notice your Divisional AP Analyst by March 1st (all ranks) for recruitment from another UC Campus. Refer to The CALL Appendix 22 for more information.

Updated: 08/15/2024