12 UCLA College scientists among world’s most influential researchers
Thirty-six UCLA scholars have been named as the world’s most influential scientific researchers. Twelve are from UCLA College.
Clarivate released its annual list of the most highly cited researchers, which includes dozens of UCLA scientists across various disciplines. The list is compiled by the Institute for Scientific Information at Clarivate using data based on scholarly publication counts and citation indexes. The selected researchers wrote publications that ranked in the top 1% by citations in their field for that year, according to the Web of Science citation index.
Current UCLA College faculty members and researchers who were named to the list, noted with their primary UCLA research field or fields, are:
- Genhong Cheng, microbiology
- Michelle Craske, psychology
- David Eisenberg, chemistry
- Richard Kaner, inorganic chemistry
- Nathan Kraft, ecology and evolutionary biology
- Dennis Lettenmaier, geography
- Matteo Pellegrini, molecular, cell and developmental biology
- Steven Reise, psychology
- Lawren Sack, ecology and evolutionary biology
- Michael Sawaya, molecular biology
- Edward Wright, astronomy
- Wotao Yin, mathematics
For the full list and article, written by Max Gordy, please visit the UCLA Newsroom.