41 UCLA scientists among world’s most influential scholars, based on citations

A UCLA chemistry lab. The Clarivate report identifies researchers whose publications have “been repeatedly judged by their peers to be of notable significance and utility.”
The world’s most influential scientific researchers in 2018 include 41 UCLA scholars.
In its annual list, Clarivate Analytics names the most highly cited researchers — those whose work was most often referenced by other scientific research papers for the preceding decade in 21 fields across the sciences and social sciences. (The 2018 list is based on citations between 2006 and 2016.)
The researchers rank in the top 1 percent in their fields in producing widely cited studies, indicating that their work “has been repeatedly judged by their peers to be of notable significance and utility,” according to Clarivate. Current UCLA faculty members and researchers who were named to the list, noted with their primary UCLA research field or fields, are:
- Matthew Budoff, cardiology
- Rowan Chlebowski, oncology and hematology
- Xiangfeng Duan, chemistry and biochemistry
- Gregg Fonarow, cardiology
- Nelson Freimer, human genetics and psychiatry
- Daniel Geschwind, genetics, neurology and psychiatry
- Michael Green, psychiatry and biobehavioral sciences
- Ronald Hays, public health
- David Heber, clinical nutrition
- Steve Horvath, human genetics and biostatistics
- Kendall Houk, organic chemistry
- Yu Huang, materials science
- Stephen Hubbell, ecology and evolutionary biology
- Michael Jerrett, public health
- Richard Kaner, chemistry and materials science
- Peter Kareiva, environment and sustainability
- Ali Khademhosseini, bioengineering and radiology
- Nathan Kraft, ecology and evolutionary biology
- Dennis Lettenmaier, geography, and civil and environmental engineering
- Huan Meng, nanomedicine
- Sabeeha Merchant, chemistry and biochemistry
- Andre Nel, nanotoxicology and nanomedicine
- Stanley Nelson, human genetics
- Keith Nuechterlein, psychiatry
- Stanley Osher, mathematics and engineering
- Matteo Pellegrini, computational biology
- Steven Paul Reise, psychology
- Antoni Ribas, hematology and oncology
- Beate Ritz, public health
- Jerome Rotter, pediatrics and human genetics
- Lawren Sack, ecology and evolutionary biology
- Jeffrey Saver, neurology
- Ali Sayed, electrical and computer engineering
- Michael Sofroniew, neurobiology
- Marc Suchard, biomathematics and human genetics
- Terence Tao, mathematics
- Edward L. Wright, physics and astronomy
- Tian Xia, nanotoxicology
- Yang Yang, materials science
- Wotao Yin, mathematics
- Jeffrey Zink, chemistry