1. Return to Scale Schedule (RTSS) Computation

    An RTSS is designed to gradually reduce an off-scale (o/s) salary increment until the professor returns to an on-scale rate.  An o/s salary increment is the difference between the professor’s off-scale salary and the on-scale step’s salary.  (Example:  The o/s increment between Professor, Step I o/s at $72,000 and the Step I annual in the Academic Salary Scales at $67,500 is $4,500).  Any proposed o/s salary that differs from the RTSS formula must be explained and justified in the departmental assessment letter.

    When an off-scale is approved, the "normalRTSS" to be followed at UCLA is: 

    "Off-Scale increment at time of each personnel action to be reduced by 50% of the salary scale increase for that action until salary rate is on-scale." The CALL, Appendix 17, IV.  

    Example 1

    “Normal RTSS”:  Off-Scale increment at time of each personnel action to be reduced by 50% of the salary scale increase for that action until salary rate is on-scale.

    1. Subtract the current on-scale step salary from the proposed on-scale step salary.
    2. Divide the remainder in half.
    3. Add the half to the current o/s salary.
    4. Round to the nearest hundred. This amount should be the proposed salary.
    Proposed merit increase for Professor, Step IV o/s at $93,000 to Professor, Step V.
    Subtract the on-scale salary ($76,800) for the step the faculty member is currently at (Step IV) from the on-scale salary ($83,300) of the proposed step (Step V).
    Divide remainder in half.
    + $3,250
    Add the half to the faculty member's current off-scale salary ($93,000).
    Proposed V o/s rounded to the nearest $100.
    Example 2.
    RTSS:  To return to scale in next 3 personnel actions:  Off-scale increment to be reduced by 33% in the 1st action, by 33% in the 2nd action, and to be on-scale in the 3rd action. 
    1. For the first action, multiply the off-scale increment by .67. Add the product to the on-scale salary of the proposed step and round to the nearest $100. This is the figure used for the proposed salary.
    2. For the second action, multiply the off-scale increment by .50 (not .67 again). Add the product to the on-scale salary of the proposed step and round to the nearest $100. This is the figure used for the proposed salary.
    3. For the third action, the salary is to be on-scale, so simply take the salary for the proposed step from the appropriate salary scale table.
    Proposed merit increase for Professor, Step II o/s at $74,000 to Professor, Step III o/s, then three years later to Step IV o/s, and later to Professor, Step V.  
    Merit to Step III o/s:
    - 65,300
    Determine the off-scale increment by subtracting from the faculty member's existing off-scale (at Step II, in this example, $74,000) the on scale salary for Step II ($65,300).
    x .67
    Multiply Remainder by 67%
    Add the product to the on-scale salary for Step III ($70,800).
    Proposed III o/s rounded to the nearest $100.
    Merit to Step IV o/s:
    Determine the off-scale increment by subtracting from the faculty member's existing off-scale (at Step III, from above, $76,600) the on scale salary for Step III ($70,800).
    x .50
    Multiply the remainder by .50.
    Add the product to the on-scale salary for Step IV ($76,800).
    Proposed Step IV o/s rounded to the nearest $100.
    Merit to Step V:
    Simply take the salary for Step V ($83,300) from the salary table.