Instructions for downloading/using our MS Word templates... ![](OFFIC1S.gif)
Netscape Users
1) Click on the desired template.
2) Netscape will prompt you to either start MS Word or save file to
3) Select the save to disk option from the pop-up window.
4) Save the template/form to appropriate Templates folder. (The Templates
folder is in the folder where Office or Word Setup originally installed
your templates.) Template (.dot) files that you save in the Templates folder
or any of its subfolders appear in the New dialog box (File menu). Typically
the templates folder is a subfolder in the Microsoft Office Folder
(i.e. D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates).
Internet Explorer Users
1) Click on the desired template
2) Explorer will open the template in the browser's window.
3) Select "Save File As"
4) Save the template/form to appropriate Templates folder. (The Templates
folder is in the folder where Office or Word Setup originally installed
your templates.) Template (.dot) files that you save in the Templates folder
or any of its subfolders appear in the New dialog box (File menu). Typically
the templates folder is a subfolder in the Microsoft Office Folder (i.e.
D:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Templates).
To create a new, blank form from any of these templates...
1) Select new document from the file menu and choose the desired downloaded
template from those listed. MS Word will then open a blank new document
(.doc) based on the selected template.
2) You may then fill-in the appropriate fields as necessary.
This document may be printed and saved as necessary.
3) Follow these same procedures each time you what to create a new
document based on the template.
File names for the available templates are as follows:
1) -- Staff Evaluation form
2) -- Cover Sheet Staff Job Description
3) -- Pages 2,3 and 4 of Staff Job Description (i.e. Duties/Tasks/SKA's)
4) --Cover Sheet of Manangement and Staff Professionals
Job Description
5) -- Pages 2 and 3 of MSP Job Description
6) -- Academic Temporary Appoint Form for Lecturers and
other temporary Appts.
7) -- Joint Appt Waiver
8) Surepay.pdf - Payroll Surepay Request form. (NOT AN MS WORD DOCUMENT)
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